
Raksts par Turaidas muzejrezervātu Narvas muzeja gada grāmatā

Narva muuseum toimetised 2012. Special issue of the international conference "History of the Baltic Region via Local History". Narva Museum, 2012

Narva muuseum toimetised 2012. Special issue of the international conference "History of the Baltic Region via Local History". Narva Muuseum, 2012

Iznākusi Narvas muzeja jaunākā gadagrāmata „Special issue of international conference „History of the Baltic Sea Region via Local History”, kurā nopublicēti desmit ziņojumi, kas tika nolasīti starptautiskajā konferencē Narvā 2012. gada 16., 17.novembrī. Grāmatā atrodams arī ziņojums par Turaidas muzejrezervāta piedāvājumu un mārketingu. Raksts ir publicēts angļu valodā, bet tā kopsavilkums lasāmas arī igauņu un krievu valodās.

Grāmatā lasāmi ziņojumi:

Anasstasia Sokolova&Anželika Shticalov. How To Do Work when Many Activities Become Project Based. Experience of Narva Museum

Gunta Zakite. Turaida Museum Reserve: Offer and Marketing

Talis Pumpurinsh. Experience of Creation of the Museum Exhibition „Cesis – a Symbol of the History of Latvia”: Opportuniteis and Challenges

Joanna Kurth. Turku Castle Seen as a Tourist Attraction: Exhibition Reforming and Product Development in the Riptides of Realities. Expectations and Historical Knowledge

Janus Moller Jensen. The World Heritage Potential of Nyborg Castle and City. Making History Matter

Uve Poom&Sandra Vokk. Promoting the History ot the baltic Sea region to Youth – Why and How?

Marco Houtzager. The Dutch Waterline on the map. How to Increase the Recognition and the Economical Value of the Region

Bernadette Woerdman. A Historic Walled Town – from Restriction to Attraction. How to Use History as Selling Point

Margaret&Bernard Shaw. Berwick-upon-Tweed. Walls, Castle and Bridges

Jurgen M.Werobel d ala Rochelle. Castles Close to the Equator: Some Less Known Examoles of the Presence of the States from the Baltic Sea Region on the Coast of Guinea. European Relics in Africa

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Turaidas muzejrezervāts